2014 by the numbers
Work in 2014, by the numbers:
Pages I edited… 2,964
Editing projects I worked on… 36
Non-editing projects I worked on… 4
Longest editing project (by # of pages)… 475
Shortest editing project (by # of pages)… 1.5
Life in 2014, by the numbers:
Countries I visited outside the US… 5
Days I spent outside the US… 114
Novels I read… 16
Letters I sent to my 2-year-old niece… 6
Hours of tennis lessons I took… 40
I call it all good. I don’t have any particular goals for 2015. I am not fervently hoping and planning for more of this or less of that or as much of that other as humanly possible. Just let the new year be full and rich in ways that are measurable, and especially in those that are not. Happy new year!
Photo credit: Flickr/marfis75