
Five Links

Five Links for a Final Friday (November)

This month’s link pack is filled with words new, old, and invented:

  1. Is “whom” passe in today’s English? Some say yes, others write how-to’s.
  2. Get help naming your business/website/blog/organization through some thoughtfully made-up words.
  3. The New York Times updates their style guide. But when will the New Yorker stop using “Web site” and “coöperate”?
  4. Most days I bike commute to my office. This is why I take the bike path.
  5. Selfie” may have made the online OED, but the print version is evolving a bit differently.

Five Links for a Final Friday (October)

Time for this month’s link pack:

  1. A day late, a dollar short: The Man Booker Prize just went to its youngest winner ever—Eleanor Catton, who was born 1 day before me. Congrats, Eleanor!
  2. I love this photo roundup of vintage bookmobiles.
  3. Joseph Stalin, editor (filed under “I had no idea”).
  4. Dion Blundell, editor for B. Alan Wallace, on the rewards of working on Dharma translations.
  5. I am excited and humbled to announce that I will be attending the Mind & Life Institute’s 27th conference, Craving, Desire, and Addiction, in Dharamsala, India from October 28–November 1. Videos of the conference will be posted on Mind and Life’s site after the event, and I hope to blog about it here as well.

Five links for a Final Friday (September)

It’s been a busy month—so busy I almost forgot to post my five links for September! Luckily my friends at the Writers’ Mill, who gather for drinks every final Friday, reminded me last night. Don’t fret: this month’s links are worth the wait. Keep reading…

Five links for a final Friday (August)

Plenty of good reads this month:

Keep reading…

Five links for a final Friday (July)

Time for this month’s roundup:

Keep reading…

Five links for a final Friday (June)

Following on my new series, here are five pieces for June’s final Friday: Keep reading…

Five links for a final Friday (May)

I know some diligent bloggers (like my favorite for smart design, swissmiss) who post a host of links every Friday: what they’re reading, watching, and enjoying. I’m going to join the trend and post five links too — but just on the final Friday of every month (for now). Five pieces I enjoyed this month: Keep reading…